Community Ministry

We actively support ministries in our community of Placentia
including H.I.S. House, a transitional living facility for the homeless, Placentia/Yorba Linda Meals on Wheels Program, AIDS Services Orange County, Mary’s Shelter, Holy Family Services, and Fullerton Interfaith Network.
We also provide school supplies to the Cathy Torrez Learning Center for the benefit of low income families in Placentia; food assistance to the hungry through the Angel Food and Treasure Box programs; and food and supplies to the homeless through our “Pail-Out Program”.
Further afield we support Father Parks Mission in Peru and Nashotah House Seminary in Wisconsin.

Within the parish community our ministries include
- Lectors
- Readers
- Acolytes
- Ushers
- Greeters
- Choir
- Altar Guild
- Eucharistic Ministers & Eucharistic Visitors
These ministries for men, women, and children make the worship services on Sunday and during the week possible.
Additional ministries include Pastoral Care, welcoming Newcomers, and quality educational programs and fellowship for Children and Youth such as; Vacation Bible School, Youth Summer Camp, Bi-Weekly Youth Group Meetings, Cathedral Arts Academy Music Camp, Advent Nativity Pageant, Easter Pageant Activities, Monthly Fellowship Events and Religious Education Classes.